Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Christmas


It was the day after Christmas when all through the house everything was stirring – even the mouse.

It was full-tilt, fun filled excitement, bliss and our traditional family breakfast!

Geez, I’m still full from all the food the holidays bring.

Even though we cook a very traditional family breakfast with country ham, sausage, bacon, eggs, grits, and biscuits and oh yeah . . .

. . .  my wife’s lip smackin’ biscuit gravy!

We are very non-traditional when we finally get to have “our family” gathering.

It’s usually the day after Christmas.

You see, our boys are grown now and they have numerous obligations, well you know - spouse’s family gatherings to attend, their own functions and places to be, friends’ gatherings and such.

My loving wife is one of the best “gift-givers” ever. She just seems to know what folks want. And this year was no-exception.

No – we no longer give each other gifts – it’s mostly about the grand kids. There’s nothing better than to see a youngin’s face beaming with pure bliss and smiles so big that it lights up a room.


This year, the “magic” toy seemed to be the battling Rock ‘Em, Sock ‘Em Robots action toy. Our 5-year old grandson loved it! It won out over the seemingly gazillion other toys he’d gotten.

Of course, this will most likely change within the next 5 minutes or so and one of the other toys will become new fav.

Depending how old you are, you may remember this toy making its debut in the early 1960s. This toy was originally first manufactured by the Marx toy company.

Currently Mattel is the manufacturer and it’s still being produced.

I tried to find out just how popular this toy ranked today but didn’t really find any reliable info.

All’s I can say is that the toy market is brutal from what I’m seeing. And trying to pick out something that will “stick” and last – well good luck.

The bottom line is this: I hope you had a great Christmas and that 2023 is your best year ever.

And for the record, I’ll do my part to help you by providing you with the best biz advice that I can.

Let me start by jump-starting your biz by offering you a FREE MARKETING TOOLKIT . . .

It’s chocked full of low cost marketing and advertising ideas that you can put to use NOW! Plus, I’ll even give you a FREE Advertising Consultation.

So what the heck are you waiting for . . .

Just . . .

Click here to get your FREE Marketing toolkit! 

Virtually yours,


P.S. Stay tuned for new stuff for 2023. I think you’ll really like it!

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Winter Wonder Whoa


It was the day before Christmas when all through the house was peace and quiet.

How’s your holiday going so far? Hopefully great . . .

. . . and everything is in full swing and enjoying some quality time with friends and family, good food and exciting festivities.

So far so good here. . . well sort of until the wife and I leisurely woke up this morning and . . .

. . . only to discover we had no water!

I don’t know about you, but here in my neck of the woods, we typically don’t have single digits temps for any length of time. But several days in the single digits is practically unheard of.

But today is different.


According to my weather app, currently it’s sunny and 11 degrees – “feels like 1 degree”.

Sure I could tear into my well and figure out where the freeze is.

Or . . . I could wait it out while the temps slowly warms and thaw the pipes.

Honestly, I am not digging the idea of working outside in these damn cold temps, tinkering on my well system. So, I’m inclined to wait this thing out.

Survival Systems

Luckily we are somewhat prepared. We have a couple of cases of bottle water on hand. Plus, we stashed about 7 or 8 gallons of water for emergencies. Oh course this small supply of water is also frozen and will need to thaw inside the house.

The other good news is we have power – at least for now. But should we lose power, we have a propane fireplace to keep warm and a camp stove to cook some food.

Warm shelter – check.

Food and cook stove – check.

Emergency water – check.

No water from the tap – what a drag.

Yeah, we’re spoiled with all these modern conveniences.

And yeah,  we take things for granted.

And suffering through some inconveniences really makes me thankful for all that we depend upon for our day to day living.

Your Business Survival System

And this goes for your business marketing system. In order for your biz to survive, you must have a revenue system – you know . . . sales! And this includes a marketing system.

Do you and/or your business have a tested, proven, reliable marketing system that you can depend on to bring in fresh, qualified leads and sales?

If not – you may consider contacting us to help you create one. After all, that’s what we are great at doing – crafting affordable advertising and marketing solutions to grow your business.

In the meantime, you should at the very least get our FREE Marketing toolkit. It’s chocked full of low cost marketing and advertising ideas that you can put to use NOW! Plus, you even get a FREE Advertising Consultation.

So what the heck are you waiting for . . .

Just . . .

Click here to get your FREE Marketing toolkit! 

Virtually yours,


P.S. Shortly after editing this post, I checked our spigot and rejoice – our water is flowing again. Praise God!

Friday, December 23, 2022

Wolf Winds and Winter Galore

Good day my friends,

Boy, the winds are howling like wolves in the night.

For us here in the Northern Hemisphere, winter officially started on December 21st.

And it came in like a bang!

I happen to live in the foothills of North Carolina. And baby it’s cold outside with temps hanging in the 20s – with lows predicted this evening in the single digits.

Whoa . . .

But the kicker is the howling winds, sustained at nearly 20-30 mph. Gusts up to 40-50 mph.

Damn . . . it “feels like” 7 degrees Fahrenheit – and that it does!

I’m shivering just thinking about it.


But fortunately as I work from my “bat cave” in the backyard, I’m staying toasty warm despite the fact that my “cave” is a wooden storage shed of sorts.

The “secret sauce” is insulation and a good old Big Buddy propane heater.

This little shed project has been fun to tinker with. It’s also an ongoing project. As mentioned above, I’m added insulation throughout, wiring, Ethernet cabling for Internet access – and a dry toilet . . . all the “comforts” of home.

Next I’ll be adding skirting underneath and finish out the ceiling.

I’ve considered running water lines – but not decided on this yet. That would surely be a luxury. I guess time will tell.

Mushing on . . .

In the spirit of Christmas, good will and glad tidings, I’d like to offer you . . .

Free Gifts For Your Thoughts

As you know, I love helping folks grow their biz. So, let me know what your biggest advertising grief is. I’d love to hear your thoughts, questions, or ideas you’d like to see covered in this blog.

Please take a quick hop over to my website and let me know how I can help you. And while you’re there why not pick up a free gift pack . . .

. . . after all, you deserve it!

Click Here and Head Over to Massey Marketing Associates LLC


And when you get there simply fill out the form at the bottom of the page. BAM, you’re free prize pak will be delivered immediately and ready for you to download.


That’s it . . .  pretty easy, right?


Yours for higher profits,



Thursday, December 15, 2022

Does Your Business Make This Simple Mistake?

Here's a quick lesson I’m reminded of recently . . . thanks to John Carlton, one of my favorite marketing mentors is . . .

“Never trust your own version of reality without testing it first

Reality checks are good – if you’re lucky enough to have people in your circle who are totally honest enough to call ‘em out.

And these folks are very hard to find.

That’s why having a great mentor is pure gold. They’ll call out all the stuff wrong with your biz and save you from major marketing blunders.  

Unfortunately great (or even good) mentors are hard to find. As you can imagine, the Internet is loaded with self-professed “gurus” of all flavors. They’ll make magical claims about fixing all your problems but they tend to come up short on true fixes.

Ok. You’ve been warned.

No matter how you get ‘em, these reality checks can save your business time and money.

Make sure your marketing messages are clear

As for marketing messages, your message must be clear or you’ll lose any hope of sustaining biz-life – at least for any length of time.

Prospects won’t tolerate boring, rambling or confusing messages.

Here’s a tip: what I do is read my ad or marketing message out loud. This helps me spot confusing copy and ensures that the copy flows easily from point to point.

I’ll also send my copy to my biz-partner (who happens to be a great proof reader) to make sure the message is clear and flows logically.

I hope these little tips help. And I’ve got some more goodies that could ramp up your sales and marketing efforts.

A Free Gift For Your Thoughts

But first, I’d love to hear your thoughts, questions, or ideas you’d like to see covered in this blog.

Please take a quick trip over to my website and let me know. And while you’re there why not pick up a free gift pack . . .

. . . after all, you deserve it!

Click Here and Head Over to Massey Marketing Associates LLC


And when you get there simply fill out the form at the bottom of the page. BAM, you’re free prize pak will be delivered immediately and ready for you to download.


That’s it . . .  pretty easy, right?


Yours for higher profits,

