Dear Valued Friend,

I’m just not on top of my game today. In fact, I’m struggling to put two thoughts down here. It could be the fact that I’ve have about three hours sleep over the past 24 hours. I need sleep. I want to go back to bed and forget about everything!

Bitch, bitch, bitch. Whine, whine, whine.

OMG . . . I’m starting to annoy myself!

Ok, Ok enough whining here. I’ve got an obligation to fill you up with some hi-octane biz growing advice and that’s exactly what I intend to do.

My daytime alter ego brings me in touch with some serious top players in the IT world. Quite frankly I’m proud (and lucky) to be associated with them.

Seriously, I am NOT bitching or whining! In fact I embrace the moment and find that it’s actually strengthening my concentration skills and writing ability. And sometimes you need some bullshit to jumpstart your goal setting mechanism and get things rolling.

Action is the key to success. You can talk about all the things you gonna do when/if only this was right, you had more money, connections, a bigger staff—whatever!

So instead of whining . . . here’s what I’ll do instead. Plan my next strategic marketing move. Or I’ll write a blog article like this one. I’ll make some phone calls or follow up on some leads. I’ll do anything other than join “the club.”

It’s my firm belief that we are all in sales to one degree or another—whether you actually work for another person, business or you work for yourself. You may just be “selling” your kids on cleaning their room, or your wife about a new car you want or your boss for a raise. You must still use sales skills to persuade the other person to way of thinking.

There comes a time when you have finally matured to the point where you rise above all of the typical bullshit that prevents you from achieving your goals and taking charge of your life.

As you know it’s up to you to make great things happen. No crying to momma when you wake up one day and realize you’ve pissed your life away by “joining” club. It will catch up to you. I learned this the hard way.

My mentor John Carlton suggests to get your butt kicked (virtually) early on in your career. Learn your lesson, fix what needs fixing and get back in the game.
Again, no crying or feeling sorry for yourself. Heck, anyone can do that. Pros keep on keeping on. They work at getting better. Remember, everyone starts at ground zero and builds from there.

Your job is keep working, testing and fixing all the blunders you’re going to make. The key is to learn the lesson and keep moving forward. And this my friend is the “secret” to success.

If I haven’t said it . . . lately—I welcome your comments and questions so feel free to chime in anytime now or in any other post.

Emette E. Massey

P.S. Want to jump start your sales efforts? Why not ask for this awesome FREE persuasion report called “The One-Sentence Persuasion Course” by Blair Warren. WARNING: DO NOT let this quick read report fool you—it packs a serious punch. You gotta read it!