Sunday, April 8, 2012

How To Make TV Ads Pay

Hi Marketing Friend,

Want to see a great example of a TV ad that is considered to be one of the best ever?

Nevertheless it works because it contains a simple but effective tactic called the element of surprise.

Sometimes it’s instructive to learn what makes an ad work. As you can see this is not a direct response ad, rather it brings brand.

If you like most of my clients and are not engaged in brand building advertising, you do things very differently.

For starters you’d have at least some subtitles. Probably lots of them.

And you’d make sure the two golden rules apply. These are if watching the commercial with the sound off, do you get the point? If listening to the commercial without the picture do you get the point?

Those golden rules apply with the VW ad amazingly enough.

Happy Advertising!

Emette E. Massey

P.S. Want more examples of great advertising to put in your swipe file? No problem! Send me an email at and I’ll zip a few awesome samples.