Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Why You Always Bring You’re A Game to the Plate

Dear Savvy Biz Owner,

I’m been lucky in so many ways—especially having some of the world’s greatest direct response marketers on the planet to enlighten on the ways to kingdoms of wealth, prosperity and riches.

One marketer in particular, the late Gary Halbert shared a lesson I’ll never forget. He called the “Fighter Pilot Attitude.”

I like to call it bringing you’re A-Game to the plate each and every day. I’ve found this to be some of the best advice ever. What’s more it applies not only to your business but every area of your life.

If you want health, wealth and happiness then only there’s only two (2) things you need for success . . .

1.    And that is knowing exactly what you want 2.    Be willing to ‘pay the price’ to get there.
And that’s what we are going to talk about today . . .

How To Ramp Up You’re A-Game!

You may be thinking what does this have to do with copywriting, direct response or marketing. Well my friend it has everything to with copywriting, direct response and marketing. 

Actually it’s quite simple . . .

If you adjust your attitude then you’ll adjust your altitude and go higher and further than you ever thought possible. 

In other words . . . fail to bring your A-Game to the task I promise you’ll fail. It may not be immediately but failure will happen. Your clients, prospects, friends and family will soon get the picture that you’re just ‘half-assing’ it.

Point in case. Just recently a good friend called me up bummed about his lack of business. He runs a small car care shop and does outstanding work. Customers always leave with a smile on their face and oftentimes become repeat customers.

The problem is he refuses to run his company smartly. He thinks like a technician rather than a marketer.  He refuses to invest even the smallest amount of marketing dollars to keep the ball rolling. He stays broke because of this lack of effort getting more customers.
In other words, he’s not willing to really pay the price to get to where he wants to be. Quite frankly, I’m not sure he knows really where he wants to be and has no substantial goals in place. 

I’ve shared—literally given him thousands of dollars’ worth of sound, proven to work marketing advice but he just won’t follow through to get the job done. There’s always some sort of excuse for not doing it. I guess the old saying, “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink” is true after all! 

Funny thing is when he does finally exert the tiniest of effort the dollars roll in like high tide.

So my question to you is this: 

Do you know exactly what goals you want? I urge you to write them down in vivid, precise detail.

And are you willing to do whatever is necessary to get what you want?

No excuses allowed. Make a promise to do anything and everything (as long as it’s legal, ethical and moral) in your power to reach your goals. 

A couple of things you’ll start to notice if you follow this simple course of action. 

One is that the people, things, and resources you need will almost magical like begin to flow into your life.

Two. It won’t necessary be easy. It takes work to make great things happen. But if you’ve chosen goals that you are passionate about it won’t feel like hard work. You’ll be energized and ideas will flow like water running downhill.

If you are hoping that your ‘creative juices’ will magically start flowing while you’re working in that perfect, serene setting or when the mood strikes you or whatever I’ve got news for you . . .
Get Over It!
Do you know what all top direct response copywriters and marketers and A-Players are so successful? 

Their attitude is great and they expect to win . . . and win often.

They roll up their sleeves and get to work! They don’t take “no” for an answer. They do their homework. They research what the market wants. They get out and talk to their customers and prospects and find out what they want. They study the competition’s promotions and look for ways to benefit and add value to their customer’s lives.

So I challenge you to think about the two questions above . . . set new goals. Be willing to roll up your sleeves and do whatever needs to be done to make great things happen.

Here’s A Gift For You

If you’re struggling with your advertising efforts, sales and coming at a fast enough pace or maybe you’re just not sure if your ads are paying, then I have a special gift for you. It’s our special illustrated edition of Scientific Advertising in PDF format. No gimmicks, no tricks or even an opt-in required. Just email me at eemassey@yahoo.com and ask for it. Please be sure to put “Gimme SA” in the subject line.


Emette E. Massey

P.S. Want a FREE copy of our special illustrated edition Scientific Advertising? Ok! Just email me at eemassey@yahoo.com. Be sure to put Gimme SA in the subject line. And I’ll zip it out to you within 24 hours. 

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