Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Rainy Days and Tuesdays

Howdy Friend and Subscriber,

There’s just something about a rainy day . . . especially if it lands on a Tuesday! And I can’t think of a better way to spend it. And that’s with you my loyal reader. 

Today you’re in for a real treat. For some reason I feel really, really generous but we’ll get to that in a mo…

But for now let me share a quick story with you. Actually it’s a story a good buddy shared with me and it’s worthy of passing along. And believe it or not it has something to do with growing your biz.

It’s a typical yappin’ on the phone session with one of my Best Buds telling him all about my kickin’ Thanksgiving. Our family Thanksgiving tradition consists of spending the holiday with my Sis. And boy does she roll out the red carpet for the everyone . . . Plump, juicy turkey roasted to perfection, garlic mashed potatoes, delicately prepared veggies as far as the eye can see along with all the trimmings and a bottle of bubbly to boot. Actually my Brother-in-law is the Chef on duty. Has been for years. Good stuff. We capped the evening off with a warm patio fire, good conversation and a few bottles of wine.

So my Bud proceeds to describe his day of thanksgiving. Seemed pretty much the same drill . . . family, good food and fun. As he shared his Thanksgiving story it reminded me of how our clients want, in fact long to be treated . . . like family (see I told somewhere buried in this post there was a point). 

I know what you’re thinking. Not everyone has a warm, loving and helpful family at their bosom. In fact it could be very likely it the opposite. Actually it doesn’t matter. But suspend that thought for just a moment. Think about your prospects and existing clients and their problems and YOU become that *family* member.

Think about how your business can be like that family member who’s willing and able to step up to the plate and offer love, concern and a true solution to your most pressing problem? You’d quickly gain a lifetime friend and client.

Want to know the quickest way to get a new *lifetime* client? It’s simple. Offer to solve their most pressing business problem and do it on the house. Give them a little sampling (at no charge or obligation to buy more) of what value you have to offer. Let them experience firsthand just how awesome it is to do business with YOU rather than your competitors. I guarantee you will profit over the long haul. 

Oh, so you can’t afford to give away stuff? Bull, says I. Once you know the a little thing called lifetime value of a client, I believe you’ll change your mind.

Start by finding out what the lifetime value of your client. Here’s how. Say you sell widgets at a unit price of $100/unit. Your typical client buys one widget 3 times a year and they stay with you for 3 years. That boils down to $100 x 3=300 x 3=900. So that client is worth $900 over the next three years. 

This makes your breakeven at $900. In other words you could invest up to $900 getting a new client and you’d breakeven. Knowing the lifetime value of your typical client puts you in the driver’s seat, crushes your competition and allows you to get new clients quickly. Give a try . . . I’m certain you’ll be pleased with the results.

I’d mentioned that I’m feeling really generous earlier. Well, I meant it. So I have a deal that’s hard to refuse . . . 

If you happen to be like the majority of my clients, you too are frustrated, disappointed and downright discussed with the results of your marketing efforts. If you’re ready to turn dead end, non-producing advertising into influx of hot leads, and sky-rocketing sales, then you’re in for a treat. 

I’ve prepared a special FREE REPORT that deals with this and helps solve your direct response problems. You’ll learn precisely how to put an end to the costly mistakes that flatten your sales and profits. I’ll show you which mistakes are killing profits. And exactly what’s to do to correct them. Soon you’ll have a new set of weapons to ensure all of your direct response efforts are cash generators!

The report is FREE and there's no obligation to buy anything . . . Get your FREE REPORT by visiting www.emettemassey.weebly.com


Emette E. Massey
Trusted Marketing Advisor

P.S. Are you frustrated, disappointed and downright discussed with the results of your marketing efforts? If so, here’s your solution: Get my Special FREE REPORT that spills the beans and shows you precisely how to turn your marketing efforts into a cash generator! The report is FREE and there's no obligation to buy anything . . . Get your FREE REPORT by visiting www.emettemassey.weebly.com

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Want More Leads . . . Here's Five Low Cost Ways

Howdy Friends and Subscribers,

Wow . . . it's several days after Thanksgiving and I still got the Thanksgiving after-glow! It's a good thing this feast come only once a year! Don't get me wrong, I'm very thankful for a LOT of things, including you as my loyal reader. But, honestly I'm not sure I could handle all that food (at one time) several times a year. I hope your holiday was most excellent.

OK . . . Let's get into the 'meat' of this post: Getting more leads for your biz . . . Here are five low cost ways to help you get more leads for your business. Keep in mind there are literally dozens of ways to get prospects. These are just a few that I've used with great success.

Strategy 1: Mail A Letter. . . A lead generation letter can bring in highly qualified leads by the bushels. And the great thing is that once you tweaked a tested your letter, anytime you need more leads just drop it in the mail and BAM . . . a fresh new supply of leads there for the taking. It goes without saying you such first have a good idea of who you are targeting before you create and mail your letter.

Strategy 2: Give a talk . . . Civic clubs are always looking for local speakers to give a talk at there meetings. The key is too make your talk interesting, informative, and adds value to your listeners. Find out ahead of time and see what subjects have been covered in previous meetings. Get to know who the members are, what their background is and what professions they occupy. Then you can tailor your talk directly to them.

Strategy 3: Run A Small Ads . . . Yes, you'll have to pay for running the ad but if you run a classified or small ad it shouldn't be too expensive. In your ad offer something free like a free report or free consultation or even a free sample if they visit your store. The key here is to use direct response advertising tactics to generate a response.Folks that have responded to your advertising have essentially raised their hand and said, Yes, I'm interested. 

Strategy 4: Use PR . . . PR or publicity if used correctly can be a good way to get leads. Think DRPR (direct response public relations). In fact, every marketing communication you put out should be direct response. For most small businesses using anything but direct response type advertising is a complete waste of money. You do want results NOW, right? Essentially your press release should be about a page in length, appeal to both the editor and the reader of whatever media your submitting your release to.

Strategy 5: Reuse . . . Yes, I'm lazy and like getting the most bang for the buck. Wala . . . like magic your marketing can take on new duties. Here's what I mean. Let's say you write a killer article and you post it to all the Internet article sites. Then you take that same article and turn it into a webinar or a video. That turns into a audio presentation. See what's happening here. You take what you got and use it over and over again for different purposes. Pretty cool, huh?

OK. Now you're armed and dangerous with few new marketing strategies that will bring in the prospects. Crank up these little gems and combinations of them together and see the results fly.

Until next time, I bid you peace and prosperity!

Emette Massey

P.S. Wanna know the 13 Most Costly Direct Marketing Mistakes that's KILLING Your Profits Right Now?  Email me at eemassey@yahoo.com and I'll send you a FREE REPORT that will clear all this up for you! Be sure to put "Lucky 13" in the subject line. Thanks!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Quick Money: Who’s On Your List?

Hiya Friend,

I’m shakin’ things up just a bit here. You’re used to longer posts . . . soooooo . . . . I decided to save your eyes and appeal to attention deficit side . . . this one’s going to be a quickie. But not to worry. You’ll still go home with a prize!

Pick a business . . . any business. Ok. Now think about what type of business it is. Good so far. Now ask yourself, “Where’s my customer list?” If you said “Uh I don’t really have one” then shame on you.

It doesn’t make nary matter what type you own or operate . . . down-town store front retail, a restaurant, operate a corner hot dog stand, construction or plumbing contractor or direct response (please tell me you keep a customer list if you own a direct response biz or else double shame on you!!) . . . then you should be keeping a record of all your customers and prospects. 

These lists are plain and simple  . . . GOLD! 

It’s sooo very easy to start a list . . . Let’s say you operate a brick ‘n mortar retail business. The idea is to capture the name and contact information of your prospects (future customers)! 

Here are a few ideas for nabbing that illusive name and contact info . . .

Offer prospects a free report or perhaps a “new customer” discount coupon. Offer to put your prospects on the preferred customer list where they get special sale prices and notified first of special deals you offer.

You are most likely already advertising in your local newspaper. Switch your advertising to direct response type advertising. Direct response type advertising always asks for some type of action. For example: Visit the store and get your free gift or discount coupon pak, etc.

Think what your business can do that sets you apart from your competitors. A good question to ask yourself is “given all of the choices available, why should my prospect or customer do business with me?” The answer you come up with will be your unique selling position.

Come up with unique sales or reasons to attract both new and existing customers. Repeat business is the lifeblood of every business. Sometimes you can look at what your competitors are doing and you do the opposite.

Start today building your customer lists and stay in contact with them regularly. You don’t have to pitch them every time you communicate with them. Rather just send them thank you cards or remember their birthday. This will pay off in spades.



P.S. Today’s Free Marketing Goodie: Scientific Advertising Special Illustrated Edition from  Dahill Press. Email me at eemassey@yahoo.com and it’s yours! FREE . . .

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Download THIS! How ‘Bout Some More Leads?

Whatsup? I’ve gotta say it’s sure been HOT in my little corner of the world . . . aka NC! Temps have been running the upper 90’s! Sweat! What about you? 

Seems hard to believe but all this heat got me to thinking. And just before my brain started slowly turning to mush I started pondering the whole marketing process. 

What’s the one thing that starts the entire sales funnel that eventually leads to money in your coffers? I’ll give you a small hint . . . it’s not a fancy website or high falutin’ printed brochure. NO! It’s . . . (drum roll, please) . . .

LEADS! You know .  . . Prospects!

You gotta get folks interested in what you have to offer before you can make a sale. In other words you gotta find leads. In the words of marketing legend Gary Halbert you must have a starving crowd.  

OK. I’m sure you didn’t tune in just to get the weather forecast, huh? I didn’t think so. But it’s a fair guess you did tune in to get some good marketing info pump up your sales, no?
So how do you find this elusive creature otherwise called a prospect? Where do they hide? How you find them? I thought you’d never ask!

One of the best, most cost effective ways to get buckets full of leads . . . and I mean high quality leads is to offer them something (of real value) FREE!

FREE, by the way, when used correctly is still a power word in the marketing language. So what freebie can you offer your prospects?

Start by identifying who your prospect is. What do they look like? What do they read? What products have they bought that is similar to yours? Get to know everything you can about your prospect. 

THEN you can tailor a freebie to get them into your marketing or sales funnel. Now you want to give them something of high perceived value. Something that solves their pain or problem. 

Never forget you are in the problem solving business . . . you don’t sell widgets you offer solutions that solves their problems and takes away the pain. Got it?

Free Reports work very well. You can create them quickly offer them on your website in PDF format or perhaps on a CD-ROM. Quality information is perfect. Maybe your free special report explains how to make money from home. . . or how to fix their lawnmower themselves saving a ton of cash . . . or how to end money worries . . . or how to grill up a gourmet meal in minutes flat . . . you get the idea. 

This special report doesn’t have to very long . . .five or eight pages should do it. And with all the word processing options these days you can make it look like professionally published and you can do it in a snap!

Oh, so you don’t write . . . no problem. What if you find something in the public domain and just repackage it. Or you get a college student to write it up for you for a small token. 

If you happen to be in the service business try offering a FREE CONSULTATION or 1st TIME CUSTOMER DISCOUNT! In fact just the other day I helped a client put together a similar offer. I designed and wrote up a simple flyer and noted a 10% OFF deal if they brought in the flyer. So far it’s working beautifully. 

The key is getting creative and test what works. The only rules are giving exceptional value and treating your customers the way you’d treat your Mom!

I happen to be a marketing consultation and copywriter . . . Sooooo here’s my offer to you, dear reader! If you have a business that not getting the results you want, give me a shout. We’ll put our heads together and come up with a simply brilliant plan to get leads flowing and swell your bank account. Gratis!  

You can email me at: eemassey@yahoo.com . . . Just put “blog offer” in the subject line and leave me your phone number or best way to contact you and I’ll take it from there!



P.S. If you respond really fast .  . . like within the next 5 days, I'll throw in a special report that shows you a complete marketing strategy that's guaranteed to put money in your bank account within the next 30 days!   So what the heck are you waiting for .  . . email me at: eemassey@yahoo.com . . . Just put “blog offer” in the subject line and leave me your phone number or best way to contact you and make your marketing sizzle with success!