Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Why Failures are actually winners . . .

Howdy Friend,

My mentor Johnny C inspired me to write this article. His recent article got me thinking about failure. More specifically about all of the failures I’ve encountered lately. Don’t get me wrong failing is NOT a bad thing. In fact I’m a failure quiet regularly. . . and damn proud of it. Being a failure, at least to me, just means you’re still in the game! It means you’re actually a winner because you don’t give up without a fight!

Easy now. . . I didn’t say that I’m a loser.  Far from it. To me a loser is someone who doesn’t try to succeed. It’s someone who throws her hands up at the first little resistance and gives up.

Hey, we all have cool talents. . . sometimes they just hide and never come out to play. There’s all sort of cool stuff I happen to succeed at like play drums like it’s nobody business, repair PCs and data circuits, cook up lip-smackin stuff on the grill with the best of ‘em, be a caring friend that listens to your problems and tries to help out. And I’m a pretty damn good copywriter too! And that’s just scratching the surface! 

I am not bragging here. It’s to illustrate that if you dig a little bit, you find all sorts of things you enjoy doing and are good at it. And I bet you’re the same with you own unique set of skills, talents, and knowledge too!

But I think the real reason I’m a successful “failure” is because I keep trying.  I keep on keeping on. I’m a bull-dog that keeps tearing away at the done till I get to the good stuff!
At different times we are all failures to a certain extent.  Look back through history at the “failures”. One that comes to mind is Thomas Edison. Heck he hosed thousands before the winning formula surfaced. But over the course of his life success topped his failures. And so it is with you. . . if you don’t give up. 

Sometimes failure is a hard pill to swallow. I know firsthand just how painful it can be. Most oftentimes I failure at whatever task is at hand. I’ve fallen on my face more times than I care to admit to. But so what? I get a brand new attempt. . . IF I give myself permission to try it again. And guess what? Most of times my plan works after some tweaking and persistence. 

You shouldn’t take defeat personally. Nor should you take it as permanent. It is only a temporary state of being. Most folks throw in the towel waaay too early. They give up right before success comes. 

OK. Here’s your homework. Resolve NOT to give up so soon or so easily. Keep trying. Make a wish list of things you want. Decide which on the items are truly worth pursuing then turn them into goals. Set a tight time frame for each goal, and then get busy. You can do it. I know that you can!



P.S. One is the most valuable books I've ever read on personal achievement is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.  If you'd like a FREE copy, just ask and I'll send you one via email. It's a PDF version of the original book. You can email me directly at: eemassey@yahoo.com

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