Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Spiritual Marketing

The other day I was rambling though some old files . . . I felt like a kid on Christmas day! Eureka!!! All these excellent books that I'd forgotten about.

You see, over the years, I've read, studied, otherwise accumulated a ton of great marketing materials. 

I'm talking about truck-loads full of books, courses, eBooks - you name it and I've probably got it.

Yes, most of these I've learned a great deal from and honed my "marketing chops."

But one book - especially stands out. It's called "Spiritual Marketing" written by Joe Vitale.

Here's the "cliff notes" I've highlighted for your marketing growth:

For starters it's based on "proven marketing techniques and timeless spiritual principles". 

I won't spoil it for you - but it's about possibilities that can (and will) happen - if you'll just allow it to happen. 

The key to making great things happen is to know exactly what you want  . . . and what you don't want.

Sounds simple, right? Honestly, it is so simple but not easy - at least for me. My brain hops from one idea to the next quicker than you can say "grasshopper."

You guessed it - ADD -as an adult. But that's another story for another time.

Suffice to say, writing can be somewhat therapeutic for me as it forces me to read, think and put these thoughts into words.

So, back to Spiritual Marketing . . .

It's a simple 5-step "program" to get what you want and let go of what you don't want.

Now you're probably thinking "where does the marketing come into play?"

Glad you asked . . .

You'll need to read the book. But I will say this: Apply what you learn to your business and see fabulous results.

Go get this book. Again, it's called Spiritual Marketing. By the way, I highly recommend any writings, books, or courses by Joe Vitale. I've learned a LOT from him over the many years.

And for the record, I'm not an affiliate or receive any money from Joe (or anyone else) for referring you to this great read. I'm just sharing the love and wishing you the best advantage for your business endeavors.

If you have problems finding it, drop me a line at: eemassey@yahoo.com and I'll help you out.

Until next time,





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