If you’ve been reading my blog, then you know most of my posts are about Sharing random thoughts and inspirations on all things marketing, success and living life deep!
Heck, it even says so right there on the front page of my blog.
But here’s the thing – sometimes I’ll share (with permission) killer insights from some of my mentors.
It’s too damn good not to!
This quick piece of advice is from one of my favorite marketing mentors: John Carlton . . .
writers know why people buy. On a very deep level.
There’s no easy way to describe it, but here’s my best shot:
The human psyche is made up of 4 fundamental interlocking and often warring
* The intellectual
* The physical
* The emotional, and
* The spiritual
Most marketers understand two, maybe three of these "Big 4" sections
of our being. But very few ever put all 4 to work in campaigns.
The spiritual one especially eludes folks.
It's not religion, but rather that murky meta-physical side
just beyond the emotions...
That empty area behind the smug civilized masks where inchoate fears
Marketers who strive for more awareness and consciousness can
more effectively bond with prospects. We connect on multiple levels,
most of them unconscious.
Keep these 4 fundamental interlocking and often warring human tendencies in
mind when writing your next sales pitch."
P.S For more subtle but brilliant
marketing advice, visit the blog at www.john-carlton.com. Be sure to download my free
report while you're there."
Here’s What To Do Now . . .
First, make sure you pay attention to everything Carlton has to offer. I mean everything. He’s saved my ass for than one time . . . plus, most of my sales, marketing, and copywriting education has come from him (and select few others).
Just So You Know . . .
My chief mission is to help you extract every single dollar you can from smart marketing.
The goal is to NOT leave a ton of coins on the table – ever. I mean, you in biz to make a handsome profit (unless, of course, you run a non-profit entity).
So, this client questionnaire sorta forces you to think things through and help you create sales copy that makes you money.
Heck, I’ll even add another “bonus” – only if you response quickly:
I’ll throw in a free 30-minute business consultation walking you through the client questionnaire via a phone call.
Truth is, I LOVE to talk shop and helping small biz owners get the most profits from their marketing efforts.
Click here to get your FREE Marketing Questionnaire.
Yours for higher profits,