Thursday, April 16, 2015

This Persuasion Skill Could Set You Freee!

Dear Biz Friend,

If you’re a contractor, doctor, internet marketer, freelance copywriter, electrician, plumber, chiropractor, lawyer or nearly any other service provider you can think of and you depend on paying customers to float your boat, then this article could change your world . . . in a very good way!

Read on to see what the fuss is about!

I feel your pain! You’re doing your best to stay on top of your game. You’ve read all the current top business books on sales and marketing.

You’ve even hired marketing consultants secretly praying for a marketing miracle but nothing seems to work long term.

Now you’re frustrated and nearly ready to throw in the towel but you know something has got to give. Deep down inside you know the answer, the solution to the marketing promise land is out there somewhere.

So what gives?

Many business owners just like you have asked that very same question. Fortunately for some, they were able to crack the code. They learned the power persuasion secrets allowed their business to take flight and grow like crazy.

Take a close look at some of the smartest companies in your industry. What you’ll find is a common denominator that separates them from nearly all the others. These guys seem to be doing everything right and reap the rewards of success.

And this common denominator these smart companies understand and use is the techniques of power persuasion!

Let’s go below and take a closer look, shall we?

You know there’s been a ton upon tons of books written about persuasion. Funny thing is most are filled with an abundance of jargon, fluff and overly complicated explanations.
You could spend a lifetime going through all of the material of this fascinating subject and still not have a simple, clear understanding of persuasion and influence—until now!

As you can see not only is it frustrating trying to figure it out, it’s also sucking away your time and energy. Fear not my friend, there’s a better way.

The good news is you don’t have to drain your life away to become a powerful persuader. In fact is it is simple once you understand the basics.

It took me years to learn persuasion. And even then I didn’t connect all the dots until I stumbled on the . . .
“One-Sentence Persuasion Course”
This short, quick read infamous course makes connecting the dots all too easy. You’ll be a master persuader in literally minutes.

Think of how you could use your new biz power tool to gain more customers, more sales and lead the pack! Heck, this new tool could help you gain respect with coworker, business associates and even family members.

Soon you’ll be in possession of an infamous, now hard to find “One-Sentence Persuasion Course” that can help you become a power-persuader in no time flat.
WARNING: Once you get this short course you’ll be able to tap a world you never knew existed. I will caution you however, these principles are extremely powerful and if used the wrong way could do serious damage.

In fact that why I’ve deliberately held off on making this special offer!

In this special report you’ll soon possess contains the exact 27 words that could literally change your world and set you free but also learn all of the basics of effective persuasion in about 15 minutes or less.

Once you finish this short persuasion course and apply what you learn, you’ll instantly become an almost frighteningly powerful persuader.

It’s a fact that most marketers need to connect with others at some time or the other.  These five insights that are contained in this course will allow those connections to pay off handsomely.

But here’s the best of all . . .  for a limited time you can get this special report for no cost or obligation. That’s right it’s free with no springs attached.

Here’s the deal. Just email me at and put OSP in the subject line so I know that you’re real and not a machine.

Pretty simple, right?

Oh and by the way. I do respect your privacy. Your email address is safe and will never be sold, rented, or otherwise shared with any 3rd parties. PERIOD!


Emette E. Massey

P.S. Time is running out so act now while this offer is still open. Email me at to get your free persuasion course. I promise you want regret it.

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