Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Sales Letter Writing Skills You'll Want To Learn

 I have written about this topic many times - and the topic that I'm referring to is writing sales copy. 

Why should you bother learning it? Why does it matter?

For starters, this skill could very well make or break your business. It could save your business from bankruptcy. 

But going beyond business, learning how to write persuasively could enhance your life in so many ways.

For example, it could mend a struggling relationship, provide hope, love, and peace for someone dear to you. It could spark a new relationship. It could provide sound advice to your children or provide a legacy to family members for future generations.

I do believe that words are mightier than the sword. Just look around at all the great writing throughout the ages and you'll see what I'm talking about.

So how do you get starting in the world of sales writing?

Easy. Start by studying from the masters both past and present. Later I'll share a few great resources for you to check out.

Think: Human Desires

Nothing has really changed in the way of basic human desires.

We all want:

More money (maybe even get rich)

Eliminate bad stuff (like pain, etc.)

Show off

Gain pleasure


Feel better about our selves

All of the great copywriters and marketers I have studied are all students of Psychology

Keep in mind, the desire to avoid pain is stronger than to gain pleasure. Think about that . . . we spend our last nickle to "fix" something that is truly important to us.

Think: Your Perfect Prospect

When I create my sales piece, typically I start with my prospect. What's on her mind? What pain is she experiencing? What problems is she wanting solved - fast?

Yes, you're a problem solver. It's your job to find these things out about your prospect or client. You must know your market/prospect. How else are you going to effectively communicate with them? You know . . . talk in their language. 

Craft Your Perfect Message

Once you have enough intel (market research) and a pulse of the market you're going after, then you are ready to start writing. If you're brand new to marketing and copywriting, you may consider reading some books on sales, marketing and copywriting. There's no shortage on materials these days -  just be care who you choose to learn from. There's also no shortage of "gurus" these days.

It's beyond the scope of this blog post to go into great detail of how to write but here's some writing pointers for you to consider:

Nearly all successful sales letters follow this basic structure.

Make sure you have an attention grabbing headline.

Keep that interest going in the introduction.

Your story should introduce and presents the advantages of what you offer.

And speaking of offer, make sure you have an irresistible offer in your sales letter.

Also include bullets too. These are short bits of copy (that follow a dot symbol) that piques curiosity and interest.

Tell them why (give reasons) they should be getting what you offer. 

Reverse all risk by including a solid guarantee. This greatly helps make the sell. And don't be afraid of offers a way to back out of the deal. 

Be sure to have a call to action. You know ask for the sale. 

The P.S. is an great way to reinforce important parts of your sales message.

So there you have it . . . a quick n dirty rundown of a great (money making) sales message structure is like. I realize it this is very basic. 

If you're interested, hit me up and I'll go into greater details. The best way to reach me is via email: eemassey@yahoo.com or masseymarketingassociates@gmail.com

Ok. I did promise you some great resources that will help you along the path toward marketing bliss. These are my favorite places to haunt and I haunt them regularly. One thing you'll find out, these guys are not only A-List copywriters, they are all master marketers. Study these guys. Buy some of their stuff. You won't be disappointed. 

Of course bookmark this blog too. I'll post things I've learned during past 30+ years or so. Plus, I like give away free stuff too. So stay tuned and enjoy the ride!

The Gary Halbert Letter

John Carlton's Blog

Dan Kennedy's stuff


Gary Bencivenga's Marketing Bullets 

Lorrie Morgan

Jay Abraham


Emette Massey


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